Top Tasks Workshop with Gerry McGovern

This event was held on 01 Nov 2018.

Measuring the Customer Experience with Top Tasks - a masterclass with Gerry McGovern

We’re delighted to welcome Gerry McGovern back to Brighton after his very popular talk at last year’s UX Brighton conference. Gerry will be running a hands-on practical workshop on how to use the Top Tasks Identification method.

Gerry McGovern’s Top Tasks methods have been used by organizations such as Cisco, Microsoft, IBM, Google, the European Union, Canadian Government, and hundreds of others.

Places are limited to just 20 attendees in order to enable a highly interactive focussed workshop.

What you’ll learn

Photograph of Gerry McGovern

If you’re designing or managing a website or app, how do you know what really matters to your customers? How do you know what really doesn’t matter? Once you’ve identified what really matters, how do you ensure that these top tasks are easy to find? How do you ensure that they are easy to do? As you change your website or app, how do you know the customer experience is getting better? How do you develop customer experience metrics that can convince management you’re doing a good job?

Gerry McGovern’s Top Tasks masterclass will answer these questions and a lot more. You will learn how to clinically and objectively observe customer behavior so as to derive management metrics. To truly understand what’s working and what isn’t—and how to make things better. Top Tasks gives you compelling evidence to present to management and peers to show that the work you are doing is improving the customer experience.

Who should attend this workshop

This workshop is particularly suitable for:

  • Digital Team Managers
  • User Experience & Customer Experience professionals
  • Content Strategists
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Information Architects
  • Researchers
  • App designers

Top Tasks Identification

Top Tasks Identification helps you clearly identify the top tasks of your customers AND the tiny tasks. It is about developing clear evidence based on data about what is important—and what is not important—to your customers.

Learn how to identify and professionally manage customer tasks. Top Tasks helps you to understand and empathize with your customers, and to deliver what they want.

Customer Architecture

How to take Top Tasks data and create a wonderfully intuitive and simple set of menus and links. Navigation design is so crucial to digital success, and yet is so often overlooked. This rigorous method gives you a navigation that your customers will love.

Task Performance Indicator

Learn how to measure the performance of top tasks using the Task Performance Indicator. You will be taught such techniques as:

  • How to measure, in a statistically reliable way, success rates and time-on-task for your customers’ top tasks.
  • How to develop task instructions—a particularly important skill to learn.
  • How to run remote observation sessions of customers attempting to perform the tasks. You will be walked through a step-by- step facilitator guide.
  • How to analyze and present results in a way that management can understand and act on.

About Gerry

Gerry helps large organizations deliver a better digital customer experience. He has written six books on the digital customer experience. His commercial clients include Microsoft, Dropbox, Cisco, NetApp, VMware, and IBM. He has also consulted with the US, UK, EU, Dutch, Canadian, Norwegian, and Irish governments.

After his excellent talk at last year’s UX Brighton conference we’re happy to welcome Gerry back to sunny Brighton for our latest workshop.

“Gerry McGovern is a truly amazing speaker. Passionate and profound, hilarious and enlightening. A golden-tongued orator whose every utterance merits quotation, and a lone rational voice in a wilderness of self-defeating, self-interest and inverse prioritization. He fights a never-ending battle to bring reason and utility to our websites by focusing relentlessly on your user’s most important tasks.”
Jeffrey Zeldman - A List Apart, Happy Cog, A Book, An Event Apart

“Gerry McGovern always delivers talks and workshops that our audiences love. He has given the best rated talk at Webdagene ever (in 2008) and he gave the best rated talk at Webdagene in 2015. Great content and great outcome.”
Sesilie Halland - Manager Webdagene / conferences by Netlife Research

What people have said about UX Brighton workshops

“Great workshop - it exceeded all my expectations!”
–Caroline Owen

“The trainer was lovely, inspiring and very professional. The way she both shared us her insights and got us working together served the purpose perfectly.”

“Helped me understand and share experiences with other UXers.”
–Paul Swain

“Sound, focussed and practical advice about preparing for, facilitating and then following-up on workshops. Alison was a fun, enthusiastic and knowledgeable tutor. Recommended :-)”
–Patrick Sansom

“Really insightful workshop. It was useful to have practical examples rather than just an overview”
–Tracy Godding

Ticket price includes lunch, refreshments and materials.