Practical insights in designing Out of the Box Experiences – Harry Brignull & Pete Gale
When you tear into the packaging of your newest gadget, the last thing you want to do is stop and read a manual, or sit there scratching your head wondering how to get it working. First impressions count, and although this is commonly known by consumers everywhere, Out Of Box Experience (OOBE) Design has only recently become a hot topic, spurred on by leaders like Apple, Nintendo and Dyson.
Harry and Pete have both had recent experience doing OOBE UX research & consultancy for different clients, so their varying points of view should create an interesting dynamic in this presentation.
Topics will include:
- What things are normally done wrong in OOBE design?
- What’s an effective design process for achieving user-centred OOBE design?
- What design principles can be usefully applied?
Show & tell
Following the talk there will be an opportunity to show and tell your work.
You don’t have to have a polished presentation or anything just spend 5-10 minutes telling the group about something you’re working/have worked on.