UX Oktoberfest

This event was held on 08 Oct 2013.

UX Brighton evenings returned with UX Oktoberfest - our last event before November’s big conference. Join us on 8th October at Fabrica Gallery for three talks from three fantastic speakers, none of whom - sadly - have consented to wearing their lederhosen.

Cognitive biases & design – Jerome Ribot

Jerome will be talking about embracing psychology to help make better product experiences. By designing around various cognitive biases, we can make users feel great, spend more, and come back again and again.

About Jerome

Jerome is the Chief Design Officer at Ribot, where he drives their creative, design, development and direction. Ribot strategise, design and develop digital products across mobile, television, in-store and beyond, with a clear focus on innovation. Their aim is to make future interfaces and experiences simpler, helpful and fulfilling.

@jeromeribot - http://ribot.co.uk/

Come together – Better connections between physical products, digital services and the teams that deliver them – Jason Mesut

Jason will talk around the divides and overlaps between Industrial Design and Digital Service Design and why we must start to work better with others to create a better future for products and services in the future.

About Jason

Jason is Head of User Experience at Plan Strategic, a Product Strategy consultancy that helps companies work out what to do next. Jason’s been a frustrated physical product designer ever since he completed his degree course in Industrial Design, but then jumped into the world of digital.


Using Design for Competitive Advantage – Andy Budd

Why do so many digital companies favour technology over design? In his talk Andy will explain How startups (and any other business) can use design for more than making something pretty. Instead Andy believes that design is one of the few areas of competitive advantage left.

About Andy

User Experience Designer and CEO of Clearleft, Andy is the author of CSS Mastery, curates the dConstruct and UX London conferences and helped set-up The Brighton Digital Festival. Andy created Silverback, a low cost usability testing application for the Mac, and co-founded Fontdeck, a web typography start-up. Andy is a regular speaker at international conferences like The Web 2.0 Expo, An Event Apart and SXSW. In May 2010, Wired Magazine named Andy one of the top 100 most influential people in the UK digital sector, much to the pride of his mother and the surprise of everybody else.
