Designing the User Experience Curve – Andy Budd
These days people expect more from a website than a handy set of tools and a pretty interface — they want an experience. As soon as somebody starts using your site they’ll be judging you on everything, from the way the site looks to the tone of your error messages. And they won’t just be comparing you to other sites.
They’ll be remembering every customer experience they have ever had, from the rude man at the train station, to the lovely hotel clerk that checked them in on honeymoon. In order to compete, we need to up our game and look at experiences both on and off-line.
Andy Budd will look at the seven key factors that go into designing the perfect customer experience. Using examples from the world around us, Andy will discuss how we can turn utilitarian experiences into something wonderful.
Planning Discussion – led by Danny Hope & Jenni Lloyd
At BarcampBrighton 2, Danny Hope gave an interesting talk about the methods he uses to design sites. He also talked about his interest in open-ness and showed pics of wireframes that he keeps on Flickr. During the discussion afterwards it became obvious that there’s a lot that the Brighton design community could learn from each other, in terms of what we do and the way that we do it.
There are a multitude of digital media companies in Brighton, and many different networking groups. However, there are very few opportunities to talk in detail about design – both theory and practice. Let’s see how many people we can get together to form an informal group of user experience / interaction / web designers. The aim would be to meet on a semi-regular basis – maybe using the 20×20 Pecha Kucha presentation format, maybe just bringing in problems / concepts or whatever to discuss in an atmosphere of open collaboration.
Since UX Brighton is a really new group, there will be an opportunity to discuss things like:
- Topics for future talks.
- How the group should be formed e.g. should it be a club.
- Do we need to bother with sponsorship?
- How to do stuff in conjunction with/alongside other organisations like use8
- Anything else you want.