UX Camp Brighton 2014 Redux

This event was held on 13 Jan 2015.

We kick the new year off with a terrific replay of five talks from UX Camp Brighton 2014. With so many great sessions, selecting just five has been tricky. What we’ve gone for represents a nice spread of the huge range of topics covered on the day.

The Minimum Loveable Product – Carlos Saba

In the precarious startup world the ability to solve a customer’s problem isn’t enough. Engaging users and building a passionate following counts just as much as (if not more than) building useful and usable software. For any startup speed is key and Carlos will talk about how to get digital ideas to market sooner while still delivering a product that users fall in love with. Carlos is co–founder of Brighton Agency Spook Studio & The Happy Startup School.


Introversion Vs. Extroversion in UX – Sophie Mitchell

Everyone has heard of introversion and extroversion. In this session Sophie will be looking at how they are perceived and what the characteristics of each really are. We’ll be doing a short quiz to find out where you sit on the extrovert / introvert spectrum. We’ll then be discussing whether it helps or hinders to be either an an extrovert or introvert in the field of UX. Sophie is a Front End Web Developer / UX Designer at McCormack & Morrison and she also recently set up and co-organises the London group of Ladies That UX.


3 psychology studies that illustrate how we think and behave – Jeremy Rosenberg

Jeremy will discuss the following studies:

Jeremy is a UX designer at Amido.


The Choreography of Space – Ellen de Vries

The average person spends more time thinking about things, rather than the spaces between things. Fact. Space is content. This talk is about how artists morph, mould and manipulate space (and the spaces between things) to adjust the way we receive information. There will be flash cards and some hardcore choreographic theory. Ellen is a content strategist & experimental performance arts maker.


Yippee-IA – Chris How

Information architecture (IA) is the art and science of organising and labelling websites to support task completion and intuitive access to content. In 5 minutes I’ll tell you all the secrets and skills you’ll ever need to know to be a successful Information Architect. In the rest of the session we’ll get hands-on with a tricky information space - my spice drawer. Chris is head of User Experience at Cogapp.



  • Patrick Sansom
  • Luke Hay
  • Danny Hope
  • Alex Goluszko